Ads on our mobile phones are annoying, but those are the ways developers and websites use to help generate revenue. Especially annoying are the times when you’re scrolling through a website and accidently touch an ad which will interrupt your browsing experience, while at the same time feeding false information to the ad provider who might think they have registered a legitimate click. Well the good news for fat-fingered users is that Google will help with accidental clicks by launching new ad formats. Basically what Google has done is that they have studied the types of ad formats and layouts that might be susceptible to these accidental clicks, and through the introduction of click confirmation, hopefully the rate of accidental clicks will be reduced.

As you can see in the screenshot above, whenever a user clicks on an ad, it won’t launch the company’s webpage immediately, but rather the ad will show a button that the user needs to click again to confirm that they really want to visit the website as opposed to having touched it accidentally while scrolling. This looks to be not only an improved user experience, but will also help companies better gauge visitors to their website who are legitimately interested in viewing their products after seeing the ad.

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