Are you the only one who thinks that the recently introduced HTC One, when flipped over its back, does seem to resemble that of the iPhone 5 from Apple? Perhaps, but assuming you have been an iOS user for a fair number of years now, and in some sort of sorcery did HTC manage to sway your opinion to jump aboard the Android bandwagon with the HTC One, then you can take comfort in knowing that the migration process is not going to be that painful, especially with the latest version of the HTC Sync Manager that is said to deliver support for iPhone backups.

Yes sir, the spanking new Sync Manager that will accompany the HTC One is capable of processing a backup of a user’s iPhone, mining that file for all the relevant data and information within, before transferring it to the appropriate fields in your new Android-powered flagship device. Media, calendar entries, and even saved text messages will also be able to make the transition successfully, making platform migration between the two less painful.

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  • 1920x1080
  • 469 PPI
4 MP
  • f/2 Aperture
  • OIS
2300 mAh
    2GB RAM
    • Snapdragon 600
    • None
    ~$150 - Amazon
    143 g
    Launched in
    Storage (GB)
    • 64

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