brain-helmetDepression is not something to be laughed at, and there are various modes of treatment that one can sought in order to be lifted from such a condition. Still, there are advances being made in this particular department, and it seems that another avenue has opened up recently as demonstrated by Prof. Dissing alongside one of his test subjects, depicting just how helmet therapy could lift the dark cloud that surrounds a depressed patient.

This particular helmet will be able to deliver electro-magnetic impulses to the brain, and so far the results from such treatment has been nothing short of encouraging. Approximately 30% of those who happen to be depressed do not respond to medication or psychological counselling, and so it is with high hopes that such a helmet will be able to do its bit by targeting malfunctioning blood cells in the brain.

Clinical trials have shown that 67% of those who made use of it reported that their symptoms had gone away, and there were noticeable improvements in mood within a week’s worth of use. Of course, the sample size is not that large, having been tested on 65 patients who had treatment-resistant depression. Perhaps we might see this helmet therapy become a decent alternative for those who feel that there is no way out.

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