Netropolitan_Composite_1Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram play host to people from all walks of life. From those who are insanely rich, to those who make an average salary, to grandparents, to parents, to companies, to celebrities, and so on. For the most part these services are free, but if you’re looking to join the elite of the elite, perhaps the Netropolitan social network could be for you.

The Netropolitan social network has been setup as a social networking website that is aimed at the wealthy, or at least those who are willing to pay $9,000 to be part of it. The $9,000 figure is broken into a $6,000 joining fee and an annual $3,000 membership fee. In some way you could think of this as an online country club where only those who can afford to pay for it are allowed in it.

According to the founder, James Touchi-Peters, “No one has ever thought of charging a substantial fee for social network membership of a social network, it still astonishes me. I started researching this four years ago and was astonished that no one had tried the one thing that physical clubs have been doing for one or two hundred years.”

However given that most social networks are free, we’re not sure how many would actually pay for this service, although we guess if you’re looking to be part of some kind of elite inner circle, this is one way to go about it. Netropolitan is not the first of its kind and we doubt that it’d be the last.

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