
Facebook’s services revolve around real identities of users, after all, the social network aims to make it easier for people to connect and interact with each other and real identities go a long way in aiding people find old colleagues, classmates or friends that they may have lost touch with. However a report claims that the company is developing a new application which would allow people to share their thoughts anonymously.

The New York Times doesn’t say what this application is going to be called and exactly what the feature set is going to be at the start. What it does say is that users will not have to use their real names and instead be able to share under a pseudonyms, which would obviously make it easier for them to vent about topics they might not be comfortable talking about without anonymity.

The idea isn’t really new. Anonymous sharing apps are a dime a dozen these days, with Whisper and Secret being two of the most popular, they allow people to talk about whatever they want without having to risk their identities.

NYT’s report doesn’t claim if Facebook’s new app will be a direct competitor for the likes of Whisper and Secret, nor does it precisely say when we can expect it to be released and on what platforms. The social network is yet to officially confirm the existence of this app so we’ll have to wait and see if it does say something about it in the near future.

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