verizon-logo-stone-wallIt is a good time to be a Verizon subscriber at the moment, as Verizon has just put forward a spanking new offer to make a deal for its prepaid customers to be enticed. How so, you ask? Well, whenever Verizon prepaid customers sign up for monthly auto pay as well as settle their first payment, they will be on the receiving end of an additional 1GB of data each month. For instance, if you happen to pick up the standard $45 monthly plan that will come with 1GB data, assuming you decide to go for the auto pay arrangement, you will end up with 2GB of data each month – for free, yo!

Do bear in mind that this is a limited time offer only, so it would be best if you could sign up for auto pay sooner rather than later. Assuming you are already enrolled in the auto pay scheme, you should be able to check out the additional data appear after the next monthly payment.

Auto pay is beneficial not only to Verizon but to its customers as well, since nobody would miss a payment, and no services will get cut, which in turn reduces the administrative costs of handling reconnections and the ilk. One ought to be careful and monitor one’s bills though, to make sure that you do not end up with some sort of weird bill shock later on. [Press Release]

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