IDair lets you register your fingerprints from afar
SimBaby robot baby helps train doctors and nurses
Marijuana vending machine sounds like a hit from the 1960s
Malaria-resistant mosquitos bred in lab to cure malaria
CellScope’s mobile otoscope promises home diagnosis for ear infections
Robots to help the elderly?
Griffin announces AirStrap Med sanitizable case for the iPad
Robot performs brain surgery
Chip-based human organs are part of the future?
Sony Cell Sorter runs on Blu-ray technology
Man gets a double arm transplant, starts feeling new hands
Brain wave meter shows off desire, concentration, sleepiness and stress levels
BrainTap wearable gaming glove targets arthritis patients
Kinect technology used in vascular surgery
Robotic rehabilitation helps paralyzed rats scurry about again
Chemical circuits for the body?
Laser knows just how much vegetables you have eaten
Robots crawl through your body to perform internal surgery
Synthetic vocal cords could be the future
11 gram titanium pump keeps baby alive for 13 days