Dropbox has issued an official statement today regarding a security compromise that happened over the past few weeks. According to the company, a number of user emails were leaked which has caused a plague of spam emails in the inbox of these users. The hacker used a stolen password to access an employee account and steal a company document with user emails on it.
In the weeks that followed, users started to receive tons of spam emails and concluded that it was the same email as their Dropbox account email. They began to raise the issue in the forum and Dropbox finally admitted to the breach today. Dropbox employee Aditya Agarwal commented on the breach: “Keeping Dropbox secure is at the heart of what we do, and we’re taking steps to improve the safety of your Dropbox even if your password is stolen. We’re sorry about this, and have put additional controls in place to help make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
The two security controls are an optional two-factor authentication sign in and a new “automated mechanism that will help identify suspicious activity.” This isn’t the first time Dropbox has had security issues, they confirmed a password security glitch last year in June. Hopefully these new measures of security will keep out any potential hackers and keep user info safe. Let us know if you were affected in the comments section below.
Filed in Dropbox.
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