Do you sometimes feel that Netflix video playback is slow despite the fact that you’re paying monthly for a reasonably fast internet connection? Sometimes it may not be that easy to pinpoint the exact problem. Netflix has been trying to make it easier for users to figure out what’s causing streaming video quality to deteriorate. A new tool has been discovered on Netflix’s website which lets users test their ISP’s performance on the video streaming service in real-time.
What this means is that the next time when Frank Underwood gets all pixelated while plotting his nefarious moves in House of Cards, you can use this tool to find out if the issue is due to your ISP.
This isn’t Netflix’s first move to bring ISPs in check. Recently it started calling out providers that it believed didn’t have enough room on the network and even received a cease and desist letter from Verizon for doing precisely that. The company also posts a monthly speed index on its website to reveal which ISPs offer the best streaming performance.
The tool is actually an 11-minute short clip titled Example Short 23.96. Its a series of random short video clips which when plays allows Netflix to determine the provider’s performance. It posts the resolution and streaming bit rate in the upper-left hand corner for users to keep an eye on. The higher these numbers our the better the streaming experience is going to be.
Interestingly Netflix hasn’t made too much noise about this feature, but it will certainly come in handy if you’re willing to find out your ISPs performance with regards to Netflix.
Filed in Netflix.
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