As you might have heard, Blizzard is under a lot of scrutiny at the moment over workplace related issues that have drawn a lot of negative attention. So much so that the company decided that BlizzConline 2022 probably wasn’t the best idea at such a time.
According to Blizzard, “Any BlizzCon event takes every single one of us to make happen, an entire-company effort, fueled by our desire to share what we create with the community we care about so much. At this time, we feel the energy it would take to put on a show like this is best directed towards supporting our teams and progressing development of our games and experiences.”
For those unfamiliar with BlizzConline, it’s basically an online-only event in place of the in-person event. This is due to the pandemic which forced Blizzard to cancel BlizzCon last year and replace it with BlizzConline 2021, which took place earlier this year.
That being said, Blizzard notes that while BlizzConline 2022 will no longer be happening, they’ll still be making product announcements and updates.
Filed in Blizzard and Blizzcon. Source: news.blizzard
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