In partnership with Junaio, the popular German TV show Galileo of  TV network ProSieben offers an interactive TV broadcast. Using Junaio on their iPhone or Android phone, viewers can participate in an interactive quiz, get feedback on the results and compare them with that of other viewers.

The user has to select the Galileo channel on his/her smartphone from the junaio application, point the phone camera at the TV screen from close. Using digital image recognition, junaio captures the screen image that triggers communication with the TV station’s server via internet and starts a two-way transmission of information.

The viewer’s reponse is transmitted with a click on the smartphone’s touch screen, then he/she will immediately see if the answer is correct or not: results are displayed instantly, both at the station’s end and on the smartphone.  Those who missed the show will be able to visit the “Galileo” website later and run through the quiz there as well. Check the video demo (in German with English subtitles – 30 second ad before it starts)

Metaio, the company that develops junaio, the mobile AR browser, touts this experiment at the “first important step towards truly interactive television”. This could have been a very good addition to my article “The Future of Entertainment on All Screens” , on the blog My Life Scoop.

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