War of the Worlds- the H.G. Wells classic that actually sent people into panic mode so many years ago over a radio narration simply because the description of the event proved to be super realistic. Well, glad to say that with the advent of technology, we might not be able to fend off any extra-terrestrial lifeform that comes to conquer our earth, but hopefully microbes and all those superbugs hanging around will be able to do a number on hostile aliens. In the mean time, why not go nuts with a fictional account in the form of the video game? War of the Worlds will be arriving on the Xbox 360 and Sony PS3 platforms later this October.

It will be delivered to your living room over the Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network channels, where the War of the Worlds’ design team claims that they were heavily inspired by Flashback, Out of This World and Prince of Persia Classic when conjuring this title.

It is hoped that the title will be as every bit as mesmerizing as the radio program or Tom Cruise’s movie, and to make sure that sci-fi geeks will pick up this game, the developers even roped in Patrick Stewart of Star Trek and X-Men fame to be the narrator.

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