google-animated-gifWhich is the most frequently viewed animated GIF on the Internet? I am not quite sure about whether porn ads would fall under this category, but it would be safe to assume that hugely popular stuff like the Nyan Cat would be part of the animated GIF revolution. After all, if a picture is able to speak a thousand words, imagine just how about an image that has several frames within it will be able to tell its story? For those who do spend plenty of time on their Google+ social network, you might be well pleased to hear that Google+ now supports the use of animated GIFs as your profile image.

Yes sir, you are now able to upload your most flattering image that you think you look in, crop it according to the correct size, and who knows, it could very well be a springboard to a whole new generation of crazy Internet memes? Just what kind of animated GIF do you have in mind to get your Google+ profile update to keep up with the times?

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