Ubergizmo-mobiles-republicWe know that you love checking fresh news on your smartphone or tablet, so we have been partnering with Mobiles Republic to bring you “full-content” Ubergizmo news in apps like Appy Geek or News Republic that have a combined installed base of up to 10M users on Android alone. The same apps are also available for iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry.

The setup can’t be easier: you basically just install the app, choose a few topics and you will be on your way to enjoy great tech news, not only from Ubergizmo, but from other fine publications as well. There’s nothing like diversity, even if we have a natural preference for our own articles (^^). Enjoy the read, and stay tuned: we are always looking for ways to make your experience better. If you have other apps that you would recommend to the world, drop a comment and we’ll be happy to check them out.

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