ff7-steamWhat some might even deem to be one of the greatest games ever, is now available for your downloading pleasure on Steam. I am referring to Squaresoft’s classic Final Fantasy VII RPG, which happens to be an exact copy of the version that was released on the Square Enix Store in 2012, where it would comprise of achievements as well as a new character booster, so that players can opt to make changes to their character’s stats as well as give their in-game cash balance a nice boost. It has been said that the Steam version of Final Fantasy VII has been specially optimized for a PC experience, and it brings along with it cloud-based save support.

The asking price? We are looking at £9.99, which ain’t too shabby to take a walk down memory lane for all you previous PSOne owners. Do bear in mind that early user reports have trickled in, pointing to the possibility of the title featuring always-online DRM. Will this stop you as a Final Fantasy fan, or you would still dive in gladly without missing a beat?

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