777-craigslistI am not quite sure about you, but there are moments in time when I do question humanity. Case in point of the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, where we have seen someone try to take advantage of the situation by selling MH370.com on eBay for $5,000 a pop. I suppose this could have been the “inspiration”, if you will, for the crazy idea of placing an ad in Craigslist for selling the Boeing 777-200ER MH370 for a mere $70.

There has been many theories and possibilities which concern the missing Boeing 777 airliner, where among them include hijacking as well as terrorism, all the way to a pilot error or an alien abduction. The Vietnam Craigslist is selling a “Slightly used Boeing 777-300” with “not much fuel” alongside “all the snacks in the plane” for 1.5 million dong, which amounts to $70 after conversion.

There does not seem to be any end with the kind of buzz surrounding the missing passenger jet, but at least with theories of a possible hijacking having taken place, it might just raise the hopes of the passengers’ kin that there is a chance for survival, as opposed to an outright plane crash. Just tread the amount of news that appears on the Internet with caution.

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