These days whenever you attend a concert or an event, chances are the audio equipment being used like microphones, headsets, or even musical instruments like the guitar have gone wireless. This is because cables are messy and can trip people up on stage, plus it allows more freedom in moving around.

However in case you didn’t know, wireless audio systems have operated on UHF bands IV and V, but it would seem that in recent years, that spectrum has been slowly encroached upon by carriers and their 4G networks, with 800MHz being cleared for 4G use in the UK, and now carriers are reportedly eyeing the 700MHz frequency as well.

So much so that Shure has decided to protest that and has since issued a petition, asking that wireless audio equipment be given its own dedicated spectrum that can’t be used for anything else. According to Shure, “If the trend continues, there may soon be insufficient amounts of spectrum available to reliably operate wireless audio systems in the UK.”

This could ultimately mean that in the future your favorite concerts or events could have its audio interrupted due to carriers sharing the same spectrum, something which we’re sure many will not appreciate. However the question is will the UK government think that this is worth debating over? What do you guys think?

Filed in Audio >Cellphones..

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