amazon_japan_video_gamesOver in Japan, there are a ton of game studios and publishers, many of whom have gone on to create some pretty amazing titles that we have come to know and love today. Unfortunately sometimes some of these titles do not get localized for international markets, meaning that unless you speak or read Japanese, there’s a good chance you’ll be missing out on some great games.

The good news is that if you do read Japanese and would like to get your hands on some Japanese titles, you’re in luck because it has been reported on NeoGAF that Amazon Japan has started to ship out games on its website to international countries. Now Amazon does ship internationally, but there are certain items that they do not send to overseas markets.

The fact that Amazon Japan does with video games will no doubt be music to the ears of gamers and collectors. As for regular gamers, this probably won’t mean much to you, but like we said if you are a collector or maybe you just can’t wait for a localized version of an RPG that you’ve been keeping an eye on, then this might be of interest to you.

That being said, importing Japanese games isn’t exactly new, but the fact that you can now get it from a more reliable and reputable retailer like Amazon is a bonus. Of course there are things to take into consideration like system compatibility and region locking, so don’t go rushing off and placing your orders just yet. In the meantime those who are interested can head on over here for Amazon Japan’s games page.

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