For anyone and everyone who pays their own electricity bills, you guys know that running an air-conditioner will quickly rack up those bills, but unfortunately sometimes the heat is too unbearable where it is hard to get anything done, which is why sometimes we really don’t have a choice.

However there are also some countries in the world where not everyone can afford air-conditioning. Over in Bangladesh, an inventor by the name of Ashis Paul has come up with an affordable and ingenious idea of bringing cool air to his people, which is by using an array of plastic bottles.

How does this work? This relies on the principle that the narrow bottle neck can compress the hot air and cool it down. By creating a grid of plastic bottles that have been cut in half and attaching it to a cut-out in a house like a window frame, it is said to be able to cool the temperature of the room by as much as 5 degrees which make a huge difference.

There is an instruction manual that has been uploaded online that will teach them how to make the cooling system themselves. So far it has been reported that this invention has been installed in over 25,000 homes in the country. Clever, huh?

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