samsung-logoWhen it comes to measuring how well a smartphone or tablet does, a variety of benchmarks are used. In fact over at UberGizmo we frequently rely on benchmarks to see how well some devices hold up against the competition, or how well a device performs when asked to execute a particular task. In any case it looks like in the near future we can look forward to a new benchmark system called MobileBench. This is a benchmarking service that sees companies such as Samsung, Broadcom, Huawei, Oppo, and Spreadtrum join forces to create an impartial benchmark which will hopefully help customers end up making more informed decisions.

At the start, the MobileBench consortium will be targeting developers and platform designers and will be releasing a couple of professional tools soon. These tools are expected to help developers benchmark individual components, but perform more complex tasks too. There will also be a consumer-friendly tool that will be catered more towards the layman, and will benchmark things such as multitasking, video viewing, recording, and more.

Interestingly enough companies such as Qualcomm and NVIDIA are missing from the group, especially since their chips power the majority of smartphones and tablets out there, but with the consortium open to new members joining, perhaps we will see both companies add their names to the list one day.

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