pearforappleIt is no secret that Apple and Samsung are fierce competitors with one another, especially in the mobile market where both companies are vying for market share and sales in both the smartphone and tablet category, and if the rumors are to be believed, Apple could soon be giving Samsung a run for their money in the wearables range as well.

Now Apple is expected to make their announcement for their new iPhones in a couple of hours, and to capitalize on the hype surrounding it, Samsung’s Belgian division has sent out a message via its website in which the company promises that for every tweet that is hashtagged with “#aPearForAnApple”, they will buy a pear and distribute them for free at the Brussels-North railway station tomorrow.

The goal of this ad is twofold – it helps Samsung gain free publicity as Apple’s event is extremely hyped up and highly-anticipated at the moment. It also helps to support Belgian pear farmers who are currently facing financial difficulties after Russia had banned the import of certain foodstuffs from the EU and US.

There have been several campaigns going around to help support Belgian pear farmers so we guess this is another one. Will Samsung be able to steal Apple’s thunder? Perhaps, but at the same time it might not necessarily be a bad thing either, at least not for the pear farmers.

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