Flag of France

France is playing host to serious climate talks in which leaders from across the globe are taking part to chart out a vision for reducing emissions and combating climate change, in keeping with that spirit the French government has now announced a global competition to create an small electric car which will sell for less than $7,500. At such a price point more and more people will be able to make the switch to cars that put out zero emissions.

French Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy Madame Ségolène Royal said that the idea is to create an electric car “for the people,” ideally it would be light, small and fast-charging with an appearance that “may not look like traditional electric cars.”

The main objective of this competition is to come up with a cheap electric car, so the €7,000 limit (roughly $7,500) will be enforced but the minister expects that some models may even come with a price tag as low as $5,300.

If all goes according to plan France would first launch the small electric car within the country, hopefully this will add to the competition in the electric car market and push existing players to develop cheaper models that the average consumer is actually able to purchase.

It will certainly be interesting to see what proposals France receives as part of this challenge and which one it picks to lead the switch from fossil fuel burning cars to significantly more green electric cars in the country.

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