The folks over at Patently Apple recently revealed a bevy of redesigned battery shapes from Apple which might signal a future of Apple devices that have a far thinner chassis than what you see today on the market. Hmmm, thinner is better, or is it? After all, do you think that the iPod touch is slim enough as it is already, and anything slimmer is going to bring minimal returns to the real estate space in your pocket or bag? Either way, I do not think that folks out there would be complaining, but hopefully thinner does not equal to more brittle in terms of hardware build and quality.

Apple’s invention that concerns a thinner battery cell will comprise a set of electrode sheets of different dimensions, where these can be specially arranged in a slew of different designs. The configuration can be based on a non-rectangular battery design including an L-shape, a triangle or a pyramidal design. Sounds suspiciously like those Tetriminos, no? Current battery packs normally hold rectangular cells, and with the clever use and arrangement of alternative shapes, it translates to the ability to cram in more cells, resulting in a smaller physical form factor.

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