samsunglogoWhile trademarks are sometimes filed to protect a particular name or brand, they are sometimes filed because it could be sign of a product that a company plans to launch. Well it looks like Samsung has recently trademarked a bunch of names, such as the Mobile Samsung 5G, Samsung Fit, Samsung Micro, Samsung Expo, Samsung Go, Samsung Pro, and the S MUSICIAN. While the rest of the names could pretty much hint at any type of device, two names do stand out and that is the Samsung Fit and the S MUSICIAN.

The Samsung Fit could indicate some kind of fitness accessory, and given that Samsung has attempted to include some health/fitness features in their products in the past, like S Health, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Samsung unveil more fitness-related products, like a smartphone or maybe an exercise watch or something to that extent. The S MUSICIAN is also pretty obvious as it is a piece of software that allows the user to create music on a Samsung device with the S Suite. The rest are pretty vague but we’ll definitely keep our eyes peeled for more info.

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