
The name BlackBerry and good news aren’t exactly synonymous these days, but there’s something to cheer about for the Canadian company. It has successfully been able to achieve an injunction against Typo, a company that counts TV personality Ryan Seacrest as an investor and backer. Last year Typo developed a keyboard case for the iPhone, it essentially adds a full QWERTY keyboard to the very smartphone that killed such form factors. BlackBerry filed a lawsuit against it and now it has been granted an injunction.

The injunction binds Typo from selling its keyboard case, and its part of the relief claimed by BlackBerry. BB claims that Typo’s product is a “blatant theft” of its well known keyboard technology. BB’s keyboards are believed to be the main reason why most customers still won’t give up on their legacy BlackBerry devices, and the company is now trying to rope old customers back in with talks of keyboard-centric high-end new BB10 devices. It may have been granted an injunction, but that doesn’t mean this case is over. This case is far from over.

U.S. District Judge William Orrick in San Francisco ruled that BlackBerry has been able to establish “likelihood” of Typo’s infringement of its patents. In a statement provided to Reuters, Typo says that its disappointed by the verdict and is now planning to appeal it. The company also says that it will continue to make and sell products that “Busy people can’t live without.’

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