Nest-Protect-2Advertising – it is just about anywhere and everywhere that you look. Product placements in movies have definitely grown by an exponential amount in this day and age, and not only that, just about any and every app that you use would come with an ad-free and an ad-supported version, where the former would obviously cost you more money in order not to bombard you with subtle persuasions of different companies, while the latter would borrow your eyeballs (and time) before you are able to proceed. Ads have become annoying, but Google’s Nest does not look as though it is going to take the “billboard” route.

Speculation has it that Google might be working on serving up ads on their Nest thermostats in due time, and considering the nature of the company, it would not be too surprising if that happened. However, in a pleasant surprise, Google has stepped forward to refute such accusations and speculation.

In a statement released by Google, the search giant mentioned, “We are in contact with the SEC to clarify the language in this 2013 filing, which does not reflect Google’s product roadmap. Nest, which we acquired after this filing was made, does not have an ads-based model and has never had any such plans.” Your Nest thermostat is safe from ads – for now.

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