A famous hacking group known as Anonymous (how ironic) unfortunately has not come forward to claim responsibility for the crippling attack of the PlayStation Network. A letter which was posted to the Internet yesterday read, “If a legitimate and honest investigation…is conducted, Anonymous will not be found liable. While we are a distributed and decentralized group, our ‘leadership’ does not condone credit card theft.” The big question is this – why must Anonymous come forward and issue such a letter? Read on after the jump to find out more on the situation. 

Well, the letter was sent out as a response to accusations from Sony that Anonymous is the party responsible for the online assault last month over Sony’s precious customer data. After all, Sony Computer Entertainment Chief Kazuo Hirai did mention in a letter to Congress that his company discovered a file named “Anonymous” on a Sony Online Entertainment server, but he did not venture further by levelling an accusation at the hacker group.

Sony has even enlisted the help of  investigators to look into the theft, but so far no further leads have come out – either that or the general public are not aware of it. Let us keep our fingers crossed that everything will be resolved sooner rather than later. Obsolete defenses? Check. Denial? Check. We do hope this whole fiasco serves as a lesson to future online service providers to shore up their defenses and be eternally vigilant.

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