Medal of Honor, a major title since 1999 (boy, has the franchise been around that long already?), has apparently seen gun shop links from its site removed. This move was implemented by Electronic Arts, the publisher of the game, after pressure from groups who have suggested that video games do play a role in inciting real-world violence. According to a representative over at EA, “We felt it was inappropriate and took the links down.” Other than those links that lead one to shops that sell actual guns, other stuff such as company logos, and descriptions of the weapons, will remain on the game’s website.

What do you think of the entire situation? On a scale of 1 to 10, just what number would you give to video games influencing kids who play it to indulge in real world violence, where the higher the number, the more prone that is to happen? Personally, I have had my fair share of Doom, Quake and even the original Medal of Honor, but that did not turn me into a bloodthirsty maniac on the streets who could not tell the difference between fiction and the real world. Having said that, there will always be a small percentage of people who are at either end of a bell curve who react differently, so this precautionary step could be a potential lifesaver – who knows? The thing is, once you draw the line, where does it stop?

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