Lung cancer vaccine discovered in Cuba?
Fish scales end up as artificial bone
blu Smart Pack identifies other blu Smart Pack users nearby
Text generated from brain images
Microchip monitors cancer growth
Diabetes sensor will alert medical staff during emergencies
Anti-UV pill ready in 5 years?
Resomator: Dead no longer need to be buried
Quadcopters used to deliver medicine and supplies to remote locations
Implant delivers tan sans sunbeds
Gene-Z: a low-cost cancer detector
Insulin pump maker ignores hacker's warnings
Tooth regrowth gel spells the end of dentist visits
Tacit haptic glove helps blind "see"
iTriage 3.0 adds emergency room wait times
Glucose sensor glows for long-term monitoring
Smart MIMAS transfers medical images to Android tablet and smartphones
Bionic fingers' youngest recipient is just 15-year old
Anti-fall sensor for the elderly being developed
Fruit Ninja helps stroke patients recover