Having this DIY Email Notification Bell on your desk certainly brings new meaning to the proverb, “bells and whistles”, don’t you think so? This USB-controlled bell will inform you that there is an incoming mail that needs your attention with a “ding” that you normally hear in restaurants – and not at the office. Something tells me that this is more of a home device, targeting bachelors since you can drive the family nuts if you’re a heavy email user and receive tons of email throughout the day (and into the night). As for the office environment, it would be far too irritating and distracting with all the “dings” going off every second or so.

For those who are interested in seeing the Email Notification Bell make its home on your desk, the instructions are here. It is “reasonably easy” according to the brain (and hands) behind this project, although it would not be unreasonable to expect you to have some soldering skills, basic electronics knowledge and programming.

Just make sure you have a program on your computer that does the email checking on your behalf, activating the bell with each incoming mail. A special Christmas project, perhaps?

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