ps4-xbox-one-pre-orderBoth the Sony PS4 and the Microsoft Xbox One are currently battling it out for the number one position. While one might console might do better in another country than the other, it’s a pretty tight race at the moment, although according to the latest figures released by NPD, it has been found that the Sony PS4 has managed to beat out the Microsoft Xbox One next-gen console in terms of sales for the month of November. Unfortunately the NPD did not provide any numbers, instead merely claiming that the PS4 outsold the Xbox One in the US market in November, with “the highest first month sales of a hardware platform on record.”

In all fairness the Sony PS4 did start selling its units about a week ahead of the Xbox One, which might explain why it might have sold more. However NPD does back up Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb’s statement where he claimed that the Xbox One was the fastest selling console, and actually did better on an average per-week basis. In any case both consoles appear to be doing quite well and have managed to sell 1 million units respectively, and have since managed to cross the 2 million mark as well, but for now Sony appears to be leading the pack ,at least as far as November sales are concerned. Perhaps the Xbox One will outdo the PS4 in December, but we guess we will have to wait and see.

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