nanotipsWho would have thought that just about every modern day mobile device would feature touchscreen functionality these days, which is a far cry from the alphanumeric or QWERTY keyboard that we saw in mobile phones some years back? Well, having said that, those who live in tropical countries where it is warm all year round would never run (or perhaps, rarely) into the frustrating experience of trying to use a touchscreen display while wearing a glove. It can drive you nuts especially during winter, where you want to keep your fingers nice and warm, but still need to attend to all the incoming messages and calls on your smartphone. Taking off and putting on the glove over and over again can get tedious, which is why this Kickstarter project known as Nanotips could change the game forever.

Basically, Nanotips is as easy to use as applying touch-up paint. It functions as some kind of conductive liquid that will be able to empower just about any pair of gloves (and other surfaces) a similar capacitive effect that is found in your fingers, which would mean you can keep your gloves on the next time you want to reply that WhatsApp message on your smartphone. Any backers for this Kickstarter project?

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