Android Open Kang Project offers greater degree of customization

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One of the main advantages of the Android operating system would be its open source nature, and if you have the technical know how to be able to program and tweak the operating system, then kudos. For folks who love an ever greater degree of customization for their beloved Android-powered device, the Android Open Kang Project will offer just that – to your navigation bar, of course. Team Kang’s most recent update known as AOKP Build 30 will tarry you forward, where the video clip above shows off an even greater degree of freedom for the ICS navigation bar, including the ability to add up to five buttons, assign said buttons to apps or actions according to your whim and fancy, the ability to modify their icons and add individual long-press functions. Not only that, you can also incorporate Nova Launcher actions into the bar for a new level of customization. Are you stoked yet?

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