Robin Williams’ World Of Warcraft Tribute Spotted In Game

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When comedian Robin Williams passed away, gamers who knew what an avid gamer Williams was, petitioned Blizzard to immortalize the legendary comedian and actor in the World of Warcraft video game. Blizzard assured users that they would take care of it and while Blizzard’s plans have yet to be officially revealed, gamers have reported seeing Williams’ character tribute in the game.

As you can you see in the video above, one of the tributes Blizzard made was by creating a lamp which when “rubbed”, would summon a djinn called Robin. The djinn would then quote, “Infinite cosmic power!” before shrinking down and saying “Itty bitty living space.” For those who might have forgotten, those are quotes from the Aladdin movie in which Williams voiced the genie character, although the original quote was “Phenomenal cosmic power!”

The character model for the djinn was spotted last month when gamers datamined the game. However apart from just the djinn, there are apparently other models in the works. One of the models is said to be Williams’ character of Mork from the Mork and Mindy television series, and the other is said to be Mrs. Doubtfire from the movie that Williams did in which he portrayed an elderly woman.

Those models have yet to be seen in the game so we’re not sure if they’re still being worked on or if Blizzard might have scrapped those plans, but hopefully we will find out soon. In the meantime you can check out the Robin djinn in action in the video above.

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