Minipresso Lets You Make Espresso While On The Go

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Are you a coffee lover but can’t afford an espresso machine of your own? Well if you are, there are a few alternatives that could help you create an espresso-based drink that is affordable, but if you’re looking for something to take with you on the go, then perhaps the Minipresso could be worth checking out.

The device is a hand powered portable espresso machine that according to its creators, a Hong Kong-based company called Wacaco, will deliver an espresso that has the quality of a traditional machine. The Minipresso measures about 7-inches and weighs around a pound, thus making it pretty portable.

How does it work, you ask? Well basically all you’d have to do is fill the canister with water, add your ground up coffee beans, and start pumping away via the piston. It has been estimated that after around 18 pumps, it should yield you a standard shot of espresso, and a double shot would require around 28 pumps.

Now we can’t speak for the quality of the Minipresso and if will actually be comparable to that of more traditional (and expensive) machines, but given its portability, if you’re in need of a shot of espresso while on the move, perhaps this ought to do the trick. The Minipresso is priced at $39 as a special pre-order price and is expected to ship in 2014, so if you’d like place your pre-order, head on over to its website for the details.

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