Huggable Bedside Robot Is Cute And Supposedly Therapeutic

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Technology has certainly jumped by leaps and bounds over the years, and we have seen plenty of progress made in the world of smartphones, too. Researchers at MIT have managed to harness technology to come up with robots which are smart enough to actually make us humans laugh – as well as feel good, which can prove to be a lifesaver if one happens to be depressed.

In fact, this particular Huggable Teddy Bear from MIT Media Lab could very well be a whole lot smarter as opposed to the average bear, and the main purpose of it all would be to entertain sick children who would be a whole lot better off if they are out of hospital (meaning that they are well and healed, and not just physically out of the place).

The cute face on this teddy bear that has a blue body happens to be a smartphone that is mated to a slew of sensors which will be able to know just when it is being touched. Whenever it is being stimulated, the bear will respond naturally and with a friendly jest. Not only that, it will be able to converse, so to speak, understand jokes, actually making a guess at a puzzle, as well as enjoy light banter. Of course, there is a ruse behind it all, since a real human will remain nearby to send out responses on the bear’s behalf through a keyboard. Check out the video above for more details.

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