
If you’re up reading this story, you’re either still up from the midnight launch of the Xbox One or you got some well-deserved rest in order to pick up your Xbox One, or for those who, like me, are extremely lazy, are waiting for the UPS delivery person to drop it off. It’s been a long road for the Xbox One, but today is November 22, which means Microsoft’s next-generation console is now available for purchase.

The Xbox One certainly didn’t have the smoothest road leading up to its launch as earlier this year, Microsoft received Internet backlash in regards to their attempt to use DRM to force its potential customers to log into their Xbox Live servers in order to authenticate the system at least once a day. Microsoft changed its plans for the Xbox One as a result to customer feedback, and since then they’ve made additional changes here and there.

All of these small hiccups has lead to this very day. The official release of the Xbox One is finally here, and thus the next generation of video game consoles has officially shown itself. Hopefully you’ll be able to join the next generation along with us sooner rather than later.

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