Web 2.0 Summit Day 2 – Gallery: Twitter Will be Everywhere!

Web 2.0 Summit Day 2 - Gallery: Twitter Will be Everywhere!

[Web 2.0 Summit] Last year, the Web 2.0 Summit should have been renamed the Green 2.0 Summit, but thanks to Twitter, the Web 2.0 name is well deserved for this 2009 session. After Microsoft Bing announcement this morning, Google announced its partnership with Twitter as well, Marissa Mayer told us that the number one search engine will integrate Tweets in its result pages, however, we did not see a demo. Other announcements included HP-Wikia partnership to offer on-demand magazine printing service MagCloud tand MySpace launched its Artist Dashboard that enables bands to collect various statistics and data across several social networking sources. Check out our photo gallery.

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