Maytag Bravos Steam dryer smarter than other dryers

Maytag Bravos Steam dryer smarter than other dryers

Technology has progressed to such a stage where we can consider one dryer to be smarter than another, case in point the Maytag Bravos Steam dryer. This model ships with the Intellidry Sensor technology that is integrated within the Bravos Steam dryer itself, where it is brilliant enough to sense whether the clothes tumbling within are already dry, while offering you are real time estimate on when everything within will be as dry as a bone. Apart from that, it comes with a steam refresh mode that helps do away with wrinkles, a 150 minute wrinkle prevent drying mode, as well as the luxury of an interior light to make it all the more mesmerizing if you love watching your laundry tumble around in near-endless cycles. At $1,199 a pop, you can choose from a quartet of different colors to suit your interior design.

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