Upcoming Warlords Of Draenor Patch Allows For Character Undeletion

undeleteCharPerhaps some of you guys might have seen videos in the past where gamers “prank” each other by deleting each other’s characters from their World of Warcraft accounts. Granted that these characters can be restored after appealing to Blizzard, but it probably takes time and it’s not exactly the most efficient way to go about it.

Well the good news is that one of the upcoming features in the Warlords of Draenor content patch is the ability for gamers to undelete their characters. Basically this allows gamers to restore their characters themselves in the event that they might have accidentally deleted them, although this seems unlikely as there is a two-step process when it comes to deleting a character, so this is probably for gamers who might have regretted their decision.

That being said, this feature can only be used once every 30 days and according to Blizzard, “Undeleting a character restores all of its enchantments, gems, and items fully intact. You’ll be able to get back into action right away, and your character won’t remember being deleted—we won’t tell, either.”

There will also be limitations, for example characters below level 10 and Death Knight classes at level 55 cannot be undeleted. Characters level 10 to level 29 can be undeleted within 90 days, and characters level 50 and above can be undeleted at any point in time.

In terms of character naming, if you deleted a character because you wanted to free up the name, Blizzard has this to say. “We’ll be holding deleted character names for a limited time, and the original creator can reclaim it for use on a new character during that time. If you create a new character with the same name as one of your deleted characters (let’s say Flugur), the new character must be renamed, transferred, or deleted to complete the restoration of the original Flugur.”

[Image Credit – MMO-Champion]

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