Japanese Architecture Firm Shares Renders Of Underwater City Concept

shimizu_underwater_5It is possible that one day we could be living on another planet, or maybe we could even move underwater. In fact the idea of an underwater city is not that much a stretch as there have been some who have started to entertain that possibility. Now it looks like over in Japan, a local architecture firm has similarly expressed their interest as well.

The company has recently released renderings of what could possibly be an underwater city of the future. In fact that possibility isn’t too far off. The firm has estimated that the underwater city could very well be constructed as early as 2035 which means that we’re only a couple of decades away as opposed to hundreds of years.

The city has been estimated to measure more than four football fields in length, with electricity and water supplies extending as far as two miles deep into the sea. There will be space for homes, businesses, hotels, and so on. There will also be an “Earth Factory” which will be able to recycle the CO2 emissions.

Shimizu Corporation, the company who drew up the design, said that the goal here is to make the most of the sea, especially in the face of the rising sea levels which could very well end up affecting some neighborhoods in the future. It’s a pretty awesome idea, but what do you guys think? Does the idea of living underwater appeal to you?

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