Nintendo Clarifies That Smash Bro. Fighters Are Toys, Not Characters

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Does it seem a bit odd that in Smash Bros. you have Nintendo characters from different franchises battling it out with each other? If one were to read deeper into that, it’s almost like saying that Nintendo’s titles and characters are battling it out to see who is the best. Apparently this was something that Nintendo had issue with at the start.

So how did Nintendo come around? According to an interview with Time, Nintendo’s President Satoru Iwata basically clarified that the fighters in Smash Bros. are actually toys and not  Nintendo characters, thus making it okay for them to battle against each other. According to Iwata, “That has to do with a very serious debate that we had within the company back then.” The team had also wonder wondered, “is it okay for Mario to be hitting Pikachu?”

Thus the idea that they were toys was born. In fact if you think about it carefully and have seen the cutscenes from the various Smash Bro. titles over the years, you will realize that they are indeed toys controlled by Master Hand that plucks them from their box and creates imaginary battles with them, kind of like what we used to do with our own toys when we were kids.

For the most part this revelation doesn’t really change the game, but it certainly makes you think and appreciate the thought and the thought process that went behind making it. In fact there have been some pretty elaborate fan theories about the Master Hand in the game which if you have some time to spare, you can check it out in the video above.

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