View unsecured network cameras from all over the world

WebcamIf you love watching security cam footage, you’re going love this. Someone has discovered a way to view video footage from unsecured cameras from all around the world. If you go into Google and enter inurl:”ViewerFrame?Mode=” -inurl –intitle into the search bar, a whole list of search results will pop up, giving you access to the millions of unsecured webcams all around the world. There are no descriptions stating what you will find on the different results, so it’s best that you treat this as an activity that’s NSFW. It is uncertain if this is a bug or if Google will be patching this in the future, but for now you can get a kick out of watching live video feeds from all around the world. Let us know if you spot something interesting (like an Elvis or UFO sighting).

[image credit: felixmaocho]

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