Blizzard announces Global Play coming to Starcraft 2 in upcoming patch

Just like Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2 was released for several different regions which means that not everyone can play together. This is a bit of a bummer if you have friends living in a different region, which means you won’t get to play with them and there will be maps on either region that either side won’t have access to. Well the good news is that Blizzard has announced that in the coming months, they will be introducing Global Play in an upcoming patch.

According to Blizzard, Global Play will allow players to freely switch between regions while retaining your game language and user interface. However the drawback is that your character, profiles, stats and ladder positions will not carry from region to region, which means that switching regions would be equivalent to a fresh start. This might not be a big deal to the casual player who is looking to play with friends, but for the more competitive, this could be inconvenient as they’d have to work their way from group up. In any case Blizzard will be releasing more information on Global Play soon, so stay tuned for updates!

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