Nintendo: Wii U Network ID Console Exclusivity Temporary

When the Wii U was released nearly a month ago, there were many questions still unanswered as Nintendo didn’t allow reviewers access to its online network literally minutes before the console officially went on sale. The Wii U’s new Nintendo Network ID turned out to be completely exclusive to a console, which can cause a number of problems for you billionaires who own multiple Wii Us or if you decide you want to sell it and buy a new one.

This issue is temporary though as Nintendo has stated the future of the Wii U will be one where you can spread your Network ID around like beads at Mardi Gras, although competing consoles Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 already allow users to use their IDs across multiple consoles. Nintendo even has a system in place to transfer Network IDs from broken Wii Us to a new Wii U, as long as you ship your defective device to them.

Nintendo’s Wii U is still going through some growing pains, which is understandable at the launch of any new console, but if you’d like to use your Network ID on anything outside of the Wii U console it was created on, it seems you’re out of luck for the time being. But know Nintendo doesn’t plan on this issue to be a long-term one.

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