Google Play Services 4.2 Released On Android Devices

google-play-logo-630x399Google Play Services 4.2 happens to be the latest version of Google Play services to be introduced, and it has started to make its way to Android-powered devices around the world. The latest rollout would include the full release of the Google Cast SDK, allowing those who are savvy enough to develop and publish Google Cast-ready apps. The moment the rollout is complete, you will be able to download the Google Play services SDK thanks to the SDK Manager, and kick start with the new APIs.

With the Google Cast SDK, it is a snap to ensure that your content will be able to arrive on the TV. This does away with the need to create a new app, where all you have to do is to incorporate the SDK into your current mobile and web apps, and you’re good to go. In fact, you would remain in control of how and when you publish your Google Cast-ready app to users via the Google Cast developer console. Apart from that, we have also heard that the Google Drive API which was first introduced in Google Play services 4.1 has been given a bump from its developer preview status, as the most recent version would now include refinements to the API in addition to improved performance and stability.

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