Raon Digital’s Everun Note netbook is potentially the first netbook in the world that is powered by the AMD Turion dual-core processor solution, arriving in Korea first. It weighs a featherlight 742 grams, although I don’t think the 7″ display will endear itself to me, nor its equally cramped QWERTY keyboard. Still, you can check out the other specifications and make a decision whether you want to bring one home or not.
- 7″ LCD display at 1,024 x 600 resolution
- 1.3 megapixel webcam
- SD/MMC memory card slot
- ATI RS690E 64MB video card
- Bluetooth connectivity
- Electronic dictionary function
- Windows XP Home Edition
- 12GB SSD/80GB hard drive options
No idea on how much this will cost though. Any guesses?
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