Man embarks on full-scale Millennium Falcon replica project

There are fans, and there are hardcore fans. Chris Lee could be thought of as the latter as he has embarked on a mission to create a full sized version of the Millennium Falcon. This is of course not a one man effort and Lee will be joined a team that comprises of Leah D’Andrea, Stinson Lentz, Greg Dietrich, Brian Thompson and Roger Lee. This project is expected to be completed over the course of the next 5-7 years, and according to the project’s description:

Using the DK Ultimate Collection blueprints as our guide, we have calculated the final outer dimensions of the structure. The DK blueprints use the same overall length as the Robert Brown estimate. From there, we arrive at:

Length: 114 feet

Beam (docking ring to docking ring): 81.485 feet

Height to top of body (not counting quad-laser turret): 24.878 feet

Height to top of dish: 30.889 feet

Clearance: ground to landing gear bay level: 7.779 feet

Clearance: ground to outside bottom of cockpit tube: 13.081 feet

So far Chris and his team have managed to get the exterior quad-gun completed, and are making their way through the cockpit console. We’re not sure if Chris and his team will be able to complete their mission, but we are keeping our fingers crossed and hope that they do! In the meantime you can head on over to their website to keep track of their progress, or if you’re so inclined, offer a helping hand.

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