Just a couple of days ago we picked up on Ubuntu’s aspirations of launching a brand new smartphone that runs Linux. Called Ubuntu Edge, the project is actually being crowdsourced, if $32 million are not raised within one month, the project will not go through. When the campaign started, pledgers could reserve one unit for themselves at $600, but this was a one-day only price. After that, backers would have had to pay $830 to reserve a unit for themselves. Seeing as how pledging was slowing down due to the substantial difference in both price points, three new tiers have been added. 1,250 units each are now available for $675, $725 and $775. When these units get sold out, then pledgers would have to put in a minimum contribution of $830.
Those who had already pledged $830 after the one-day only pricing became unavailable have now been dropped to the $625 tier. They have been promised that the difference will be refunded to them after the campaign ends. As of this writing, the campaign has received over $4.6 million in contributions, it needs to generate nearly $28 million in less than a month if Ubuntu Edge is to meet its May 2014 release time-frame.
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