Chrome Mobile Finally Updated With Data Compression Feature


Every year the number of people using mobile devices to access the internet significantly increases. Even though many websites offer mobile only modes, which help cut down on data consumption, users still might find themselves burning through their data caps if they rely too much on browsing using their data plans. Data compression comes in handy there, and the feature has finally been added to Google Chrome apps for both Android and iOS. Google’s popular internet browser is one of the widely used mobile browser on these platforms, granted that it comes pre-installed on all Android devices.

This particular feature was first announced almost a year back, it was initially launched in beta stage, which meant that it wasn’t available to everyone. According to Google, data compression on Chrome mobile can help users cut down bandwidth usage by as much as 50 percent, your experience may vary. The feature won’t be enabled by default, users have to go to the Settings menu followed by Bandwidth management and then tap on Reduce data usage to enable the feature. Chrome for iOS has also received the automatic translation feature that has been around on Android and desktop version of Chrome for quite some time. The updated Chrome mobile apps are live now and can be downloaded for free from Google Play Store as well as the App Store.

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